Thursday, March 7, 2019

When I lay down on this moist earth                           and smell it's radiating fragrance                              it feels I am lying warm in your arms;                            when you feel my back with your passionate hands                                  I immerse in your soily skin                                       and inhale the drenched earth' scent                          that emanates from your flesh akin                              When you smell my hair      I bury deep in your bosom                              you hold me tight               and get soaked in this sunny light                            amidst the woodland bowers                                among the new spring blossoms                             far away from the worldly clamour                               occulted by the deep green woods                           we are here alone                entwined like two serpents                               entering and knowing each other's soul...                   Now I am lost in you           and wholly in your thrall     Oh enchanter!  do not let me go                                   hold me firm                        pierce me with your love    and do let me know            when I wake up from this dream                                  you will have left behind your love traces                   on my newly , tenderly , freshly ravished flesh       and promise me to    come back again  and         replenish my incomplete soul                                      with your wonderful essence                               to make me whole

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

I knew it was you...     I knew it was you who had clogged my mind,my agony reached mountain heights feeling the dark clouds roaring and thundering but unwilling to pour down shooting my grief beyond heavens.                                                                                                   I knew it was you who were stuck in my throat causing and growing like those cancerous cells that cease never but would cease my heart one day as you are still that hidden tumour:invisible ,arcane and impossible to remove...    because you are in my heart ,you are my soul and now after these rigorous attempts of the black clouds to burst and my spirit masters to heal my pestilence  , you are finally out in the open green fields and have revealed yourself to me.                   I know now why I had wailed ,why had I raved but now I see you and I am calm dead and what else can I want ,can I ask for more when already god has let me to die in your arms?                                                                                                                                                   
Eclipse                                                                                                            My blurry eyes woke up and fell on him                                                    he loomed over my crown                                                                            how bright and beautiful was he !                                                                                           though carved intricately on the dark canvas, boldly he defied me pouring  grace on him ,                                                                                                           My lips were sealed and eyes were glued to my celestial beau shamelessly gazing upon him though he shunned me with swollen pride... more and more                                                                                                        and when the dawn treaded my misty house I saw him still in an altered form .... now hot and blazing in the deep dark diurnal hour  dazzling and radiant as ever  ....                                                                yesternight blanketed by  my home he hid himself far away from me  and now enticed by its own shame he seals himself from me again ....But in whatever form he may be :a cold and distant nocturnal gem or a scorching sphere of light ,                                                                                I will still love him though                                                                            he has eclipsed himself from his own soul.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

LIKE HOW SHE HAD DESCRIBED  HIM....                I knew it would be raining soon.The pitch dark clouds had blanketed the vast firmament and a sudden thundering roar from the heaven made me conscious of someone approaching my shop. I knew who he was.He was the same as she had described him .He was 6ft tall,lean and had a sombre expression on his face.Like she had said , he was nut brown and his eyes were auburn that showed many eons of wisdom. He looked as intense and stoic like these clouds which till now hadn’t released their love juices to drench the barren earth.Really ,he was the same as she had described him.Just the same.As he neared my shop I became a little conscious of his presence and asked him smiling a little , “ Yes sir....How can I help you ?.” He nodded quickly and produced a chit from his pocket which was a list of things he had to buy.He handed the list to me and said , “Give me half kg of each item.” I agreed and went to get his things. As soon as his things were packed, I returned hastily to the counter and handed them over to him saying ,  “ Its 150 rs sir". He paid me the amount and left my shop.I smiled to myself and pondered , “ How intense and expressive are his eyes .She was right when she said that his eyes seem like some pitchers pouring silvery elixir into whoever looks into them and wants to drink from them .”As I sat thinking about him something unexpected happened .He turned back and came again slowly walking towards my shop.He stopped. I felt he wanted to say something but before he said anything I asked him , “ do you want anything else sir?”  He was silent .He looked down and by mustering all the courage, he finally asked me , “ How is she and where is she ?” . He had left me stunned with this question .I stared at him for two seconds tongue tied and came back to to my presence of mind and answered him, “ She is fine ....absolutely fine ...But now she stays far away.” He smiled at me for  the first time and as she had described,his braces were visible but for her it was the most beautiful smile she had ever seen like a rainbow that comes when the sun and rain make love in the sunny monsoons. I know he  had not got a satisfactory answer but without asking me anything  more he left and I ,out of excitement immediately called her.She received my call and answered , “ Hi ! Tell me ...How r u?”   “ I am fine...let me tell u something of your won’t believe...he had come today to my shop and you know what ...he asked me about you ,about your well being and whereabouts .He is the same like you had described him .I didn’t believe for a second that he enquired about you.” While I was blurting with excitement , she seemed quiet and sad .I asked her “What’s the matter ...aren’t you happy and feeling flattered?” And then she replied with a tone full of sorrow and resentment, “ Fine... if u meet him again just tell him that my baby’s eyes have a beautiful glittering  chocolate  brown tinge and her skin is smitteningly of the fragrant mud drenched in the first shower of monsoon.” Her voice was choked up with bottled up tears and she couldn’t  speak more than just a “bye". After she disconnected the phone ,the dark clouds roared loudly in the heavens and it had already started pouring and pelting on the streets as though unleashing their deeply hidden grief.