Wednesday, July 4, 2018

A longing for muse

Where are you my dear muse?
I have no words to say , I have become numb and dry
Without your presence in my life.

I feel empty and my emotions are dull
I can’t utter a word and my life just goes on
Without meaning .

When you were there , my life was like a cool cascade
Pouring life at every moment , my heart used to beat
My soul was alive.

When you were there , my mind was at peace
My mind had a purpose
My life had a goal.

But that was long ago , and I now just live
And am surviving just with those moments
Aliven by you, only by you.

I know those days will not be back
But how I wish , you come in my life again
And make me live how u did before.

Oh my beautiful beloved.

Oh my beautiful beloved , are you here ?
Are you listening to me?
Can you hear me?I have been waiting for you since ages and you still have not appeared before me.

You just come in my dreams like a phantom
In the lofty hills and disapparate  as my eyes open up to the harsh truth of the day.

I hate days, I despise them as I don’t see you
In the day and they take me away from from you
.Night is closer to me and is my comrade in distress.

It is she who makes me contemplate of you
In the dark recesses of my mind which is as
Dark and murky as the new moon night.

This night of mind has only a star
That shines so bright in my cloudy dusty mind and that
Is enough to brighten the tough days
That lie ahead in my life.

What will I say?

What will I say when I see you again?
Will I smile and blush like I would do then?
Or will I shamelessly gaze at you how I would do before?
Or will I just turn away and not return your gaze
For those feelings , those emotions of the bygone days
No longer survive.

They have become like faded spirits in the misty hill
That come and go and then again flash like the falling stars  and bring not even a pang of grief , but just a numbness  for life.

No dews I see on the emerald leaves
The flowers do not devour the rainy drops
The sun isn’t bright , the sky is dark even in summer’s daylight.

The cuckoo doesn’t chaunt , or the pheasant doesn’t show
It’s ruby eyes and  wind is still ,  like my life .

Who knows when this numbness shall leave
Or do I need to reborn in another aeon so I shall wait for my enchanter to excorcize the deadness  in my soul
And fill me with the fountain of life?

You still are my muse

You still are my muse
I don’t believe;
You still are in my mind , my soul, before my eyes
Inspite of being away from me.

What magic have you done to my senses
Have you a spell to put me to a trance?
Or a love potion that you sprinkled in my eyes?

What relation do we bear to each other?
I have still not understood.
I don’t know who you are .

 Some mysterious link binds us
And I know for sure , this universe will bring us someday
Together and then you will realize we were always made for each other , not as lovers but as soulmates.


You are the mist of the snowclad mountains
You are the cool cascade down the hills,
You are the source of the pristine fountain
Running and leaping like the sivery rills

You are the early tinge of Spring
You are the twilight of the dawn
You are the halo of the shiny moon
You are the magical faery ring.

You are the naïve doe of the glades
You are the fiery feline of woods
You are the magic spell of an elf
You are you and you are myself.

You are always there for me
When I am sad and lonely
You come then in the eye of my mind
When my heart pours thyself only.

In the realms of sky

In the realms of sky
When we were unborn
We had seen each other
Pacing on snowy clouds,

We both were little kids then
Our clouds were our mounts
You were on one
And I sat on another.

But we didn’t go together
You were in your way passing by me
And I was in another way
Passing by you

You were in a small black hat
A black coat and a pant
And I was in a little pinafore

But when the time came,
We recognized each other
As we gazed one another as our clouds
Passed by.

The dream is the same as reality
You are in your way
And I am in mine
Our ways  like in heaven shall ne’er combine.

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