Wednesday, July 4, 2018

For the first time

It was misty, and some time before it had rained, because of which the weather was cool. The distant dark woods stretched against the vast canvas of the further distant deep green hills , which sparkled like emerald against the milieu of the azure heavens. As I went in my balcony, to my surprise, I saw my husband heading  towards our bungalow, treading on the lawn, with a suitcase in his hand. He smiled at me as I immediately ran out, and embraced him firmly. I was happy to see him come home so soon. He had gone out –of- station and  was supposed to come next week, but he was back within two days.

“ How come you are back so soon? You were about to come next week. Is every thing fine ?What about your business deal?” I asked him eagerly.

“ Let’s not talk about business now dear. I am tired . I couldn’t stay away from you for long. I desperately missed you.” He said earnestly looking with his deep loving eyes. I found his eyes mesmerizing ( for the first time).

 As we headed toward the house, he kept his hand over my shoulders and in the long span of six years of my marriage with him, I liked his touch( for the first time). It was enticing and magical. Never in my life I had felt so passionate about him as I felt now. I had felt the same touch before. It made me wonder for a minute, but then the thought which had crossed my mind took a flight immediately as I became busy in preparing the morning breakfast.
As I was working in the pantry, he came discretely from behind and passionately held my waist. I smiled and blushed, and giggled for a while, as he felt his lips on my neck and my arms. He touched me intensely, and I too turned facing him and pulling him toward me ,I pressed my lips against his, in a fit of obsession. We couldn’t take it more. He lifted me up, and took me to our bedroom. Then,  some time  we spent,  just making love. For the first time in my life, I had experienced my real orgasm. I  don’t know how this was happening, but the magic  his arrival had cast on me, had fully left me enchanted. I was quite surprised at what was happening , but my conscience was not ready to reason it out that why such a thing like passionate love with my husband, which I had never felt in my life , was now overwhelming me and my rational mind. For the first time in my life , I had felt genuine love for him. Otherwise our relation was nothing more than sheer friendship. We made love, but still I didn’t feel like getting away from him. We both were entwined in each other’s embrace, and gazing each other deeply.
I was too happy. Actually , I had waited for this moment all my life.I had always thought that I would never be able to love my husband back as he loved me, but it happened finally.I myself couldn’t believe, such a change would happen in me.
He touched my hair, and kissed me intensely again. My mind was floating on the seventh heaven.I had no slightest thought about my surroundings, my neigbours, my household responsibilities and even my cell phone. I was deeply immersed in the ocean of love.I could only see love.For the first time , from all my heart, from all my soul, and with genuine affection I told him,
“ I love you.”
He touched my cheeks, and replied looking gravely in my eyes, “ I had always loved you.”
I hugged him tightly and  tears of happiness came flowing from my eyes.
In the next four days, I saw a drastic change in myself. My eyes were bright, not tiresome like how it used to be initially. I found myself active, quite slim and fit, and and beautiful ,not lethargic   as I was before. My cheeks looked damasked .I was glowing as my wellbeing improved. It was all because of love. Love had made me beautiful.For the first time, in the six years of my marriage, I had achieved marital bliss. I thanked god immensely for this sudden change , and also my husband for his unconditional love. He had won finally. He had won my heart and now I was irrevocably in love with him.

Two more days passed by, and now with my newly found marital bliss, I found my mind stable. I was sitting in my lawn admiring the lush green hills. The weather was pleasant; the clouds were deeply dark which gave a sign of heavy rains and then in a minute or two it began raining, and I had to get inside immediately. While my husband was having bath, I planned to busy myself in cleaning the old storehouse .I went upstairs, and as I opened the room , I breathed in a cloud of dust, which made me cough a little. I decided to clean all my past memories. I shoved all the little valentine day gifts, “ I love you” cards and my first birthday present from  him . I looked at them with my deepest emotions. I didn’t feel like throwing them, but I was obliged now,as I wanted to start my life afresh, and already my new life had begun, in which I was very happy , so I did not want to dwell in my past and bring my tragic memories back. I wanted to be happy. As I kept on removing out these objects, I suddenly heard some buzzing .I looked around , but I could not see anything, but I followed the sound  which led me to the old cupboard which was closed by a torn curtain. I turned back, and approached it hastily ,  looking around simultaneously . I opened the cupboard, and rummaged through the old frayed papers, but found nothing.I still could hear the buzzing sound, so I opened a drawer to check , and then the unlocked coffer, but I could not still understand from where this sound was coming. For a while I thought , that I must be hallucinating, or may be the sound was coming from somewhere outside. My gut feeling told me that some thing was wrong.I again went through the cupboard, and then to my shock I made myself peep underneath it.Something had struck me like a thunderbolt, and I saw that beneath my cupboard, my cellphone was vibrating continuously. It was as if , something had shaken me out to  face reality .I knew something bizarre had happened. How come, my phone was here, lying in this old storeroom? Who had brought it here?I had completely forgotten about it, since my husband had arrived. The phone was still buzzing. Some unknown number appeared on the screen, and I received it.
“ Hello” I said, eagerly.
“ Where the hell are you dear  ?”.It was my husband’s voice.He was yelling over the phone.
He continued yelling “ I have been calling you since last five days , but why didn’t  you receive my call?. I called the neighbour to ask about you. She told me  that she saw you behaving  quite weird since last few days. Please tell me what has happened to you? Look ,you need to take care of yourself in my absence, I cannot leave my business and run after you all the time.Anyway I am coming next week.Are you listening?”
What I was experiencing now actually would have made me fall unconscious if I would have been a timid woman, but the long life of loneliness had made me strong to bear the brunts of life. I cut the phone and immediately ran downstairs to confront my forged husband. As I went down,I heard a loud creaking of the bathroom door.It oscillated heavily , making the creaking sound clearer than before, but I knew he was inside. He was insinuating me to come there by making the door creak more and more . I was not afraid to face him, because now I knew, he was someone my own.He was my soul. He was me.

I entered the bathroom, but he was nowhere to be seen. Tears welled up my eyes, and still I could smell him. His fragrance had not left my breath and it would never go.I felt his presence , but I could not see him.I wanted to touch him again .I felt like going back with him, in his world where I could  dwell eternally with him.My throat was choked as all my love , my pain was welled inside and was not getting an outlet.
Finally I  glanced in the tub , filled with water. It reflected me  and in that water  all of a sudden, I saw some words getting materialized , and then I read  his last words.
  “ I had told you once, that I will surely come after my death and be one with you for the whole of my life.”

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