Wednesday, July 4, 2018

I saw her standing across the bridge.It was a bright place gleaming with early morning golden light of the sun, which had lit the tranquil green woods where she stood. A beautiful soothing cool breeze came from the woods from there.As usual she was very happy .She was smiling , as she cheerily waved at me.I waved her back.I yelled at the top of my voice,so that she could hear.
“ Hi !How are you?”
She didn’t say anything , just nodded sideways in affirmative.
“ Can I come there ? I want to meet you.Its been a week you were not seen.Where were you?”I enquired with concern.
“ No, now you don’t come.You know very well that you can cross this bridge only when your mother calls you back.Till then , you have to stay where you are.I came here because I was called by my mother.She said my work was done , so I had to get back.Any way , how are you.?”she asked
“ I am fine, but you are really lucky , your mother called you back…I am stuck here…I don’t know when she  will call me back.I don’t know first of all why has she sent me here.I have no work…rather I have not found one.I don’t know for how long I will have to stay here without any job .I feel a  desperate longing for home.I  really want to go home.”

Listening to this , she just smiled at me. I continued raving and ranting in front of her.
“ I feel useless here..i am a misfit...i am a handicap.My mother had given me the tools to build the house, but they are rusted because I never used them.I couldn’t build it.I am staying on the open streets.I am homeless.She  had also imparted me the skill to climb the mountain, but I still find myself standing at the bottom .My mother also taught me to make beautiful pictures, but actually I can’t draw even a line, and she expects me to make circles, and unless I make the circle I will not be called back home.But I don’t

know to make the circle.Do you know to make? Can you help me?” I asked her entreatingly.
“ Ya of course I know, I have made many circles before.I came to know about it now, when I crossed this bridge that I had made so many circles before. But let me be very honest, no one can teach you to make your circle.You are the inventor of your own circle.Now I am going to make one more circle, it might take time, may be more hundred years.”
I just listened to her , meditating on what she had just said.Then I asked her curiously,
“ So , how many circles are we supposed to make?”
“ As long as your mother keeps on sending you here.When one circle is completed, you will be sent again….then again…then again.I don’t know how many more circles we are supposed to make, but on her bidding we do have to make our own circles. This time I completed my circle quite early.So mother called me.Actually I did not want to go.I wanted to stay back with you people.Actually I enjoyed making my circle, that I did not feel like finishing it, but I had to do it.I really miss you, and I don’t know when I will be able to meet you again…and why are you in such a haste to go home? Right now you are across the bridge , so just enjoy creating your circle- laugh, smile, have fun, be helpful , be caring , be happy , be hale and of course , be  a good human being on every curve of your circle, and don’t bother yourself of  creating buildings and climbing mountains. SHE has appointed million others to do it.She, who is the creator of the infinte unfathomable circle , she who has studded myriad scintillating jewels –all big and small in this circle , she who has each and every grain of matter and non-matter in her hands-why will she want you to make buildings and climb mountains? She doesn’t want anything from you, It is you who feel that she wants something from you…and one more thing …you will know how to make a circle…you will make one , but only when you will

completely surrender yourself to HER, and then your circle will run smooth once you subject to her will and stay where you are.You will be called when your circle is complete, and then you will get more chances to make more circles.”
Saying this , she smiled and disappeared in the green woods, and then I remembered an incident of my kindergarten years, that how in my art class I had  once made a perfect circle , without the help of any circular tools.

P.S. Dedicated to our dear friend Pallavi

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